Our Services

All your Intellectual Property needs in one place! 

  •     Copyright    
  •     Trademark    
  •     Design    
  •     Patents    
  •     Contracts    
  •     Other    


We protect photographers, writers, artists, musicians, and other creators of original works of expression. We offer the unique ability to help creators guard the use of their works.

Our expertise includes:

  • Assistance related to the protection of works by copyright and related rights;
  • Infringement & anti-piracy matters, including online & social media related matters image rights;
  • Registration of artists from different industries, assistance & representation before collective management bodies;
  • Assistance related to the collection & payment of copyright and related rights levies;
  • Assistance related to the use & access of content through different technologies, platforms and territories;
  • Copyright in the digital environment;
  • Contractual assistance, including drafting & negotiating license, assignment, publishing, theatrical and/or musical performance, rental, cinematographic works and other audiovisual works, computer programs, three dimensional art, architecture, photography, protection of portraits, broadcasting, performers’ & producers’ rights agreements;
  • Assistance related to the sui generis rights of the makers of the databases;
  • Enforcing rights of rights holders from different industries


In an increasingly competitive world, establishing and maintaining a strong brand identity is more important than ever. We are skilled at providing strategic guidance to clients on selecting, clearing, protecting, licensing and enforcing their vital trademark rights.

Our expertise includes:

  • Availability searches within national, European and WIPO trademark databases, as well as within databases related to pharmaceutical denominations, domain names, commercial denominations. We also perform searches with respect to the use of the searched denominations;
  • Negotiating consents, undertakings of non-infringement;
  • Notifying infringers & assistance until the best result is reached for the client;
  • Filing & prosecuting at both national & EU level as well as in front of WIPO;
  • Fighting online counterfeiting, including searches of online counterfeited products, notifying infringers / marketplaces, taking civil and/or criminal actions;
  • Managing and maintaining registrations, renewals;
  • Contractual assistance, including drafting and negotiating licenses, assignment, franchises, mortgage agreements.


Protection the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three-dimensional form containing aesthetic value.

Our expertise includes:

  • Availability searches within national, European and WIPO design & models databases
  • Filing & prosecuting at both the national & EU level as well as in front of WIPO
  • Enforcing designs & models, including customs actions
  • Notifying infringers & assistance until the best result is reached for the client
  • Undertakings of non-infringement
  • Management and maintenance of registrations, renewals contractual assistance, including drafting and negotiating licenses, assignment, franchises, mortgage agreements
  • Conducting searches and consulting on availability for registration and use
  • Drafting, filing and prosecuting applications and maintaining registrations
  • Preparing, negotiating and recording assignments and license agreements
  • Enforcing Design rights through litigation, negotiation and arbitration
  • Providing opinions on Design rights and infringement thereof
  • Investigations of Design infringements
  • Anti-counterfeiting activities


We provide a full scope of patent services, from prior art searches and clearance opinions to patent prosecution and licensing. We provide essential guidance on technology transfers, as well as mergers and acquisitions involving intellectual property assets.

Our expertise includes:

  • Conducting searches
  • Drafting, filing and prosecuting applications and maintaining registrations
  • Drafting and negotiating license agreements
  • Extending duration of patents by Supplementary Protection Certificates
  • Extending and validating European Patents and applications
  • Enforcing Patent rights through litigation, negotiation and arbitration
  • Providing opinions on Patent rights and infringement thereof
  • Investigations of Patent infringements


We help clients get deals done from celebrities to innovators to leading consumer product companies, clients turn to us for expert advice on preparing and negotiating all manner of license agreements. With a focus on providing effective and efficient expert advice.

Our expertise includes:

  • Domain Name Sale Contracts;
  • Online E-Commerce Marketplace Intermediation Service Contracts;
  • T&Cs & Privacy Policy for B2B / B2C / C2B E-Commerce;
  • Proprietary Software License Contracts (EULA for SaaS/Mobile Apps, Application Programming Interface (API) License Contracts);
  • Free & Open-Source Software (FOSS) License Agreements;
  • E-Commerce Platform Network Security Assessment Contracts;
  • Data Security & E2EE Contracts (against Eavesdropping);
  • Multi-Factor Authentication SLAs (against Backdoors Attacks);
  • GDPR-compliance;
  • Data Processing Agreements;
  • EU–U.S. Privacy Shields;
  • ECPA-compliance;
  • Digital Data License Agreements;
  • Contracts for AI /ML Startups to hire Data Scientists, AI Engineers & Data Miners who design, code, test and deploy Algorithms.
  • Crypto-Currencies (Token Sale Contracts, Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Agreements),
  • Initial Coin/Token Offerings (Tax Implications of ICOs or ITOs, White Papers),
  • Blockchain (Legal Nature and Enforceability of Self-Executing Smart Contracts, Legal Recognition of Blockchain Registries),
  • Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Crowdlending (P2P Lending) & Mobile/Peer-to-Peer Banking (Regulatory Frameworks).


We help clients get deals done from celebrities to innovators to leading consumer product companies, clients turn to us for expert advice on preparing and negotiating all manner of license agreements. With a focus on providing effective and efficient expert advice.

Our expertise includes:

  • IT contracts, IT security, Personal data and privacy
  • E-Finance, E-Payment
  • E-Commerce
  • Strategic branding advice
  • Coordination of international applications
  • IP Portfolio management
  • Domain complaints
  • Preparing and filing of applications for recordal of Trademarks and other IP rights with Customs
  • Preparing and filing of requests for destruction of seized counterfeit goods under „simplified procedure“
  • Providing training to Customs officers on how to recognize counterfeit goods
  • Preparing and filing of criminal complaints against infringers
  • Investigating infringing activities, including making test purchases
  • DMCA take-down notifications;

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